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FAQs about Specialty Urgent Care in Dearborn, MI

If you have any questions regarding our services, opening hours, and scheduling an appointment feel free to ask. Read our FAQs to learn more about our services and terms. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us or make an appointment online.

FAQs about Specialty Urgent Care in Dearborn MI
FAQs about Specialty Urgent Care in Dearborn MI

Table of Contents:

What days/hours is Specialty Urgent Care open?
Where is Specialty Urgent Care Located?
Does Specialty Urgent Care accept insurance?
Does Specialty Urgent Care accept same-day appointments?

What days/hours are Specialty Urgent Care open?

Business Hours are Mon – Sat: 8am – 7pm.
Occupational Health hours are Mon – Sat: 8am – 4:30pm.

Where is Specialty Urgent Care Located?

It is located at 13530 Michigan Ave, Suite 120 Dearborn, MI 48126.

Does Specialty Urgent Care accept insurance?

Yes, we accept a wide variety of insurances. Click Here for a list of insurances we currently accept.

Does Specialty Urgent Care accept same-day appointments?

Yes! Please call or request an appointment and we would be happy to help you.